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“Raising Eyebrows” was such a fun read. I finished it in a day, and enjoyed every minute of it! Bobbe Joy, you’ve had a very exiting life!!!
Patty Goodman
I also just received Bobbe's book and can't put it down either. Is there anything this girl can't do...?!
Nancy Lichtenstein
A must read--so honest and from the heart
Bonnie Webb
I loved every page!
Eugenia Weston

I received my (autographed) book yesterday. Can’t put it down.
James Jahant
What a fun read!
Bonnie Garvin
I feel like I am leaning back in your chair talking, sharing, listening to all our experiences over the years, especially yours. U truly are an inspiration to us all & I am so proud of u.
Donna Kronson
Love the marvelous photographs of her and her Hollywood pals!
Marie True Evans
A Message from Joe Blasco
Click link below to check out my interview with the #1 radio show in Australia!
Click the link below to see my interview with "The Morning Show" in Australia:
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